Teaching Arabo-Islamic Primary Texts in the High School & College Classrooms

Reading Islamic primary texts is a valuable and exciting prospect for learners of Arabic. However, the most well-known Islamic primary texts — the Qur’an and the canonical hadith collections — are often not suitable for Arabic learners due to their complexity or content. This workshop introduces participants to a different genre, that of advice literature, and show how this genre can be utilized in the college or even high school classroom. In this workshop, we will focus on a section of a widely read curated medieval collection of ḥadīths entitled Musnad al-Shihāb, by the medieval Egyptian judge Muḥammad b. Salāma al-Quḍā’ī (died in 454 AH/1062 CE). Registrants will receive a workshop packet in advance.
Dr. Hina Azam is Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at UT Austin, where she also serves as Graduate Adviser for the Master’s program in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Her research interests are in women and gender in Islam, Islamic law, Qur’anic ethics, and Muslim American literature.