Teaching a Language in a Hybrid Format with Elena Spathis

In this workshop, participants will explore how to effectively teach a language in a hybrid or fully remote format using technology tools that facilitate communication and promote cultural competence. Proficiency-based, culturally-focused instruction can still be achieved in a hybrid or fully remote setting, in which students develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the target language by participating in authentic learning tasks that mimic real-world situations. Furthermore, participants will be given specific steps and examples on how to implement synchronous and asynchronous presentational (one-way speaking or writing), interpersonal (two-way speaking or writing), and interpretive (reading or listening comprehension) tasks that are sure to engage the students.
Presentation Powerpoint: Hybrid Teaching_ presentation.pptx

Elena Spathis teaches Spanish at the high school level in New Jersey. She is also certified to teach English as a Second Language. Elena earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish and Modern Greek Studies, as well as a Master’s of Education Degree in Language Education from Rutgers University. She completed her second Master's of Education Degree in Teacher Leadership at Rowan University, with a concentration in English as a Second Language.