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Alumni Mentorship Mixer

IMES alumni mixer

In October, IMES hosted a networking reception to introduce alumni to current MA students interested in academic and career advice.  After brief introductions, alumni were seated at individual tables with students rotating seats every ten minutes for an evening of “speed networking.” After the event, alumni and students were matched for further mentorship support based on each other’s preference.

photo of Rebecca

“It was really refreshing to chat with people who have the same interests and experiences as I do and have been able to turn that into career success. Given that the program is small, the alumni mixer felt intimate and genuine, and I felt like I really got to know everyone there.”

– Rebecca Asch, MA ’19



photo of alex gray

“I appreciated learning first hand the different ways that alumni translated their scholarship at the Elliott School into careers which allow them to follow their passion for Middle East affairs.”

– Alex Gray, MA ’20