Knowing the World Sabbatical Fellowship Call for Applications

The Institute for Middle East Studies invites applications from full-time faculty at four-year colleges or universities to spend their sabbatical at the Institute, which is part of the George Washington University.
Fellows will not be required to teach, but will be asked to collaborate on the Institute’s National Resource Center outreach programming, around the theme “Knowing the World: MENA Geographic Education.” This collaboration will be designed around the applicant’s area of expertise and will be implemented with the support of our full-time outreach manager and support staff. Must be in residence at IMES for at least the Fall 2023 semester. We encourage applications from scholars working on topics such as environment and sustainability; urban studies; migration/displacement; critical security studies; agriculture and food security; race and spatial justice and other topics aligned with the broad field of critical geography.
Sabbatical top-up= 40% of salary up to $45,000
Over the course of the year, in addition to pursuing their own research and participating in the intellectual life of the Institute, the fellow will be asked to support IMES’s outreach programming, specifically: chairing a one-day research symposium for undergraduate students from local Minority Serving Institutions; developing a workshop-presentation on their research for K-12 teachers; writing a short analytical essay and advising on related multimedia content to showcase their research (see examples of IMPOP multimedia pages here, staff will develop the additional content in consultation with the fellow); and developing a one-hour virtual presentation on this research.
Applicants must be eligible for sabbatical at their home institution for the 2023-24 AY. Applications must be submitted by February 15, 2023. All materials should be submitted through our application form. A complete submission will consist of:
- Curriculum Vitae (5 page summary)
- The names and contact information for two scholars who can serve as references
A letter from an official at your institution (dean’s level or equivalent) that endorses your application and agrees to provide the necessary release time during your fellowship term. This letter should include the name, title, and email address of the institutional official and be on institutional letterhead. Please ensure the letter is emailed to no later than February 25, 2023 (include the name of the applicant in the subject line). - Research Statement (up to 3 single-spaced pages).
- Include a clear and concise statement of your current research, including its specific aims and significance.
- Describe how you propose to disseminate your work to a broader audience
- Discuss how your work contributes to solving complex social problems of relevance to public educators
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: IMES welcomes applications from full-time faculty at all ranks, including tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenured who are eligible for sabbatical. Faculty must hold a position at a four-year college or university. Those in the final year of temporary or non-continuing appointments are ineligible.
Q: What does the Sabbatical Fellowship entail?
A: Fellows will be in residence at the Institute for Middle East Studies at the George Washington University for either the Fall semester or full academic year (the Spring semester may be completed remotely). Fellows are expected to be in-person in the Institute at least two days per week. As a fellow, you will have access to an office and to administrative and research development services in the Institute, as well as to the university’s libraries and other GW facilities.
Q: Is teaching required?
A: Teaching is not required for this fellowship.
Q: Can I continue my service duties at my home institution during the fellowship?
A: When you accept the fellowship, your home institution must agree to provide you with a full release from teaching and service during the fellowship period. You should not be required to continue teaching or service duties at your home institution during the fellowship period.
Q: Can the fellowship be deferred to the following year?
A: No, the fellowship must be taken up during the period of the award (AY23-24).
Q: Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to apply?
A: Citizenship is not a requirement of the fellowship, but non-citizens must be green card holders or have visa sponsorship through their home institution for the duration of the fellowship. We are not able to provide visa sponsorship for this award.
Q: How do I submit a proposal?
A: Applications must be submitted by February 15, 2023. All materials should be submitted through our application form. A complete submission will consist of:
- Curriculum Vitae (maximum 5 pages)
- A letter from an official at your institution (dean’s level or equivalent) that endorses the application and agrees to provide the necessary fellowship release time during your fellowship term. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the institutional support letter is submitted by the deadline. The letter (on institutional letterhead) should be emailed to no later than February 25, 2023 (include the name of the applicant in the subject line).
- Research Statement (up to 3 single-spaced pages).
- Include a clear and concise statement of your current research, including its specific aims and significance.
- Describe how you propose to disseminate your work to a broader audience
- Discuss how your work contributes to solving complex social problems of relevance to public educators
- The names and contact information for two scholars who can serve as references
Q: When will I find out if my application is successful?
A: Notifications will be sent by email by March 30, 2023.
Fellowship Award
Q: How will I be compensated?
A: Sabbatical fellows will receive a salary support stipend of 40% of their university salary up to $45,000, and up to $1000 travel reimbursement. This is meant as salary replacement while the fellow is on leave from the home institution not as a top-off to existing salary. It is assumed that institutions will continue to fund the fellow’s usual fringe benefits. This program does not provide funds for housing and transportation; however, each fellow will receive funding support of up to $1,000 for research and travel-related expenses during the fellowship term.
Q: How will I receive the fellowship award?
A: Fellows will be notified of their fellowship award by email. This will be followed by a formal Letter of Acceptance to be signed by the fellow. The fellow should provide the name and contact information of an authorized official from their home institution for the award contract. GWU will pay the fellowship award directly to the fellow to partially offset salary during the fellowship.
Q: Must my home institution continue my fringe benefits?
A: The Program expects that the fellow’s home institution will continue all fringe benefits during the term of the fellowship.
Q: Can my home institution charge indirect costs?
A: No indirect charges are allowed on this award.
Q: Whom do I contact with further questions?
A: Contact