Spring 2019 Events Lineup

Looking to stay engaged with Middle East Studies?
Attend one of our events! For a full list (including the time and location) visit our website: https://imes.elliott.gwu.edu/events/
March 4 – POMEPS book launch of Contesting Authoritarianism: Labor Challenges to the State in Egypt, by Dina Bishara
March 7 – Watch the exciting documentary, “By the Dawn’s Early Light,” about NBA all-star Chris Jackson’s journey to Islam and the question of what it means to be a Muslim in America. Presented by Zareena Grewal
March 21 – POMEPS book launch of Break All the Borders, by Ariel Ahram
March 21 – Come learn about Dr. Omar Dewachi’s (American University of Beirut) book, Ungovernable Life, and “the untold story of the rise and fall of Iraqi “mandatory medicine” – and of the destruction of Iraq itself”
April 4 – Talk with Dr. Hiba Bou Akar about her new book, For the War Yet to Come, which argues that three neighborhoods in Beirut’s southeastern peripheries are arranged, not in the expectation of a bright future, but according to the logic of “the war yet to come”
April 8 – POMEPS book launch of Identity Politics Inside Out: National Identity Contestation and Foreign Policy in Turkey, by Lisel Hintz
April 22 – Discover “How Chicago Jews created Hollywood Hills in Tel-Aviv” and the Americanization of English teaching in Israel with Dr. Eitan Bar-Yosef
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