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‘Anamel’ a Collaborative Online Anthology of Arabic Modules

Anamel Event flyer

This workshop will introduce Arabic instructors to Anamel, a word press site that showcases capstone modules in Arabic designed by Duke and UNC students around topics students are passionate about, and that tangibly demonstrate their linguistic and creative ability. Houssami will highlight the benefits of Anamel to the global AFL community, the challenges of project-based learning at large and more particularly in the advanced Arabic class. Chris Hassel, a senior at Duke who helped gather material for the sample modules and create the foundation of the site’s content, will lead the workshop participants on a virtual tour of Anamel. Cate Schick, a senior who joined the team to assist with web design, will talk about the challenges of putting together and maintaining Anamel. She will suggest resources that participants need if they were to replicate the Anamel experience. A Q&A will follow the presentation.While Anamel currently targets learners of Arabic at the intermediate high to advanced high levels of proficiency, participants who teach students at lower levels of proficiency are invited to join in, especially that Anamel will soon include modules at varying levels of proficiency. This program is supported by funding from the Qatar Foundation.

Session presentation:

Anamel Presentation



  • Maha Houssami Maha Houssami is the interim Arabic program director at Duke University and a lecturer in Duke’s Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Department. She launched multiple initiatives on campus and in the larger Triangle area in an effort to increase community engagement in Duke’s academic language programs and to allow Duke students studying Arabic to practice what they are learning in real life situations. Houssami’s career has been focused on collaborative language instruction, interactive educational technology, innovative leadership and cross cultural community engagement. She joins us today along with two of her students, Chris Hassel and Cate Schick, to introduce a collaborative online anthology of Arabic Modules: Anamel.