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MovieTalk in the Classroom with Leslie Davison

Movietalk workshop

During this 1.5 hour hands-on session, teachers will learn to effectively use film clips and movie shorts as engaging input to facilitate language acquisition. After a brief demonstration, participants will learn the technical logistics of planning, creating and then delivering a successful Movie Talk. Applicable to both in-person and remote learning.

Session recording available here. 

Session presentation available here: Deck_MovieTalk

Links to Relevant Resources_MovieTalk


  • Leslie Davison Leslie Davison has been teaching Spanish for 20+ years. She is a Google Certified Innovator and National Board Certified teacher with experience at both the high school and elementary levels in IB and Dual Immersion programs. Leslie was named the World Language Teacher of Year for Colorado in 2015 and ACTFL’s Excellence in Foreign Language Instruction Using Technology in 2018.